Services for Employers

Services for Employers

Project Employment

Project Employment (PE) has been assisting local employers with staff recruitment for many years through the provision of reliable workers to fill their vacancies.

The program supports in excess of 150 workers with a disability at any given time, many of whom will progress to becoming independent workers who no longer require our services to maintain their employment.

Our clients are employed across the spectrum of local industries including retail, tourism and hospitality, business administration, building and construction, transport and logistics, rural industries, service industries and government departments. Their jobs are many and varied and range from basic entry level jobs to trades, professional and managerial positions, and apprenticeships and traineeships. Their hours of work range from 8 hours per week to full time depending on each individual’s needs and circumstance, and employer requirements.

To assist both employers and workers to achieve successful outcomes, Project Employment offers the following support services.

  • Careful job matching to ensure that you get the right person for the job
  • On the job training to ensure that the worker is able to complete tasks to the required standard and follow work routines.
  • Task negotiation if necessary to ensure that the duty statement includes a range of tasks that the worker can do or can learn to do to ensure that he/she will be a productive member of staff
  • Provide information and assistance to access the range of Employer Incentives available to assist businesses employing people with disability including:
  • Wage subsidies
  • Auslan Interpreters for deaf and hearing impaired workers
  • Workplace Modifications to purchase special equipment the worker may require in order to do the job, or to modify the workplace to improve access and functionality
  • Supported Wage System (SWS) enables the payment of productivity based wages for workers whose disability prevents them from achieving the level of productivity that would be expected of an able bodied worker doing the same job.
  • As the worker gains the necessary competencies, on the job support is gradually withdrawn, however we continue to maintain contact with the workplace and are available to assist with re-training or training in new tasks as required.
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